insurance brokers the Austbrokers Terrace team

Rob Morrell – Managing Director

Rob has over 40 years of insurance industry experience, in both underwriting and broking roles and is the Managing Director and a Responsible Manager of Austbrokers Terrace. While much of Rob’s time is consumed with the management of the business he still maintains relationships with some of our clients.

Rob has a strong affinity with music, although this is not matched by any level of ability either vocally or playing an instrument, enjoys a movie and binge watching a TV Series, and is happiest when hypothesising passionately about some issue his staff usually have no interest in.


Ian Kennedy – Director

Ian is a Co-Director and Senior Broker of Austbrokers Terrace. In this capacity he also assumes a Responsible Manager role. While conversant in all areas of Insurance, he has a particularly high level of expertise in both the Engineering and Transport industries but is highly proficient handling any complex insurance requirements. Ian has a love of following winners as he supports both the Hawks and Redlegs and his daughters’ calisthenics careers, where they, too, have had their fair share of success. A keen but overrated golfer, much of Ian’s success on the links can be attributed to his playing partners.


Austbrokers Morgan JonesMorgan Jones – Director

Morgan began his career at Austbrokers Terrace 20+ years ago, and his ability to generate business and service his clients has seen him become a director and an important part of the Senior Management team. He has an uncanny ability to adapt his approach to cater for his clients’ specific needs and, as such, is the most versatile of Brokers. Away from the office, Morgan is the foolhardy part owner of a race horse, and ranks his three mixed netball premierships as akin to climbing his sporting Everest! Other loves include good wine and his 3 girls, his wife and two young daughters.



niallcurkpatrickNiall Curkpatrick – Director

Niall has the responsibility of overseeing our Professional Persons Scheme which, while a facility that is best known in the dental industry, has become a popular product for any health professional.

Niall began his career representing CGU as a ‘Broker Manager’ which meant dealing with our Company and its staff. He quickly gained a reputation for being skilled, highly accountable and just as approachable and was earmarked by management as part of our future plans.

Timing is sometimes everything or nothing and before we could swoop he embarked on a trip to the UK where he had great success working for two leading Insurers. Five years later he returned to our shores having increased his industry knowledge and his personal circumstances, being accompanied by British wife Emily. Sons Conor and Aedan have followed in what appears to be the couple’s foray into creating more political chaos in respect to dual citizenship. 

For leisure, Niall considers himself a ‘lawn whisperer’, something the writer doubts is even a skill, while enthusiastically discussing a myriad of sporting topics with an unsurprising lack of expertise (other than the English Premier League).

Despite that, we at Austbrokers Terrace are excited to have Niall choose to establish his working life under our roof.

Bruce Lindsay 

Bruce is a recent addition to our team but not to insurance broking, having been in the industry for over 30 years. Any who know Bruce will immediately think of his loyalty and honesty as traits he demonstrates to not only his clients but to anyone who is lucky enough to cross his path. When asked to provide some facts about himself, he humbly left out a football career that saw him captain his beloved West Torrens, as well as the State, and he represented the Adelaide Crows in their inaugural match.

What Bruce is all about is his family, he has a love of travelling to anywhere warm and has a passion for ‘eighties’ music.

The writer has since clarified Bruce was alluding to the 1980’s as opposed to the century prior as he is getting on in age, now being one of a growing group of grandparents on our team. ABT is fortunate to now count this man among our number.

Daniel Pomeroy

Dan was with our team and then he wasn’t, and then he was again! In short, we are delighted Dan has re-joined the fold after a hiatus elsewhere. The return has meant that he now fulfills the role of a Senior Broker, a role in which we are certain he will excel.

Away from the office, Dan likes to cook, is/was an avid traveller before COVID messed things up, loves any ball sport invented with the NBA and AFL assuming the top two positions and interestingly, claims to be the ‘heart and soul’ of the ABT Social Basketball Team. The writer says ‘interestingly’ because he too is a member of the team, and other than reminding us of our game time, there has been precious little evidence that Dan has expended more heart or soul than anyone else, but I guess if you believe it yourself it must be true!

Austbrokers Dora TaddeoDora Taddeo (Personal Lines)

Dora oversees our private client insurance division and has been with Austbrokers Terrace for over 40 years. She maintains the highest of standards within our office, setting the bar for what our team should ask of themselves. Dora’s loyal clients attest to her service and skills, as she continually monitors the market to provide clients with optimal insurance cover at market-leading pricing. A proud mum and ‘Nonna’ to her three grand daughters, Dora loves shopping with her daughter (who can apparently sniff a bargain from a kilometre away), going to the ‘Club’, whatever that means, and claims to have never met a chilli she can’t digest.

Austbrokers Greg ThomasGreg Thomas

Greg joined Austbrokers Terrace in 2010 and has over 30 years experience in the Adelaide market, both as an insurance underwriter and agent. He offers reliable and efficient broking services to his clients and is a fantastic team member of the business. Greg is ‘that’ guy people feel comfortable with immediately and he would probably be the last staff member voted off the island if our office was ever on ‘Survivor’. Thommo believes in judging others on their handshake, loves ploughing into a chicken schnittie, enjoys any Tarantino movie and can’t stand inconsiderate drivers. Greg is delighted to join the ‘grand-dads’ of the office.

matthewmorrellMatthew Morrell

Matthew recently joined our team after cutting his insurance teeth working for Lumley General. Enthusiastic and loyal, a client of his can expect a strong advocate working on their behalf. When away from the office Matt enjoys a fitness orientated lifestyle, meaning anything where he can chase a ball. Nominating ‘Happy Gilmore’ as his all-time favourite movie, he likes nothing more than a plate of spaghetti bolognaise, watching the Crows win a ‘Showdown’ and lives by the adage , ‘Don’t get bitter, get better’. These days he revels in being a great dad to his two beautiful daughters.

Amy Ku

Amy has joined the team with the specific task of working with Adam O’Reilly after an excellent career in broking after arriving from Malaysia over a decade ago.

She is extremely dedicated to her job, unabashedly loves the industry and developing the skills required to be a broker her clients can rely on to meet their exacting standards. Oh, and she is a delightful person as well!

Amy is something of a fitness freak, pounding the local roads and hills on her bike when not working out at her local gym, a place her hubby refers to as her ‘’second home’’.

When asked about her motivation behind this exhausting regime, the Malaysian in Amy is quickly replaced by an attitude often seen in her adopted Country – ‘’I need to so I can eat what I want, and drink wine and beer.’’

It is hard to fault such sound reasoning!


Anna Kinsman

Anna joined Austbrokers in 2010 having worked in the industry for over 25 years. She provides support to Ian Kennedy and Dan Pomeroy, and provides a great source of process improvement and solutions for our team. Many staff believe Anna has a split personality, totally committed to her work tasks from 9 to 5, and totally committed to having a great time any time not coinciding with those times! We are blessed to have her!



Gina D’Ettorre

Gina has been with Austbrokers Terrace for over 20 years and has been a great support to many of our clients over the years. Gina provides exceptional support to Morgan Jones. A perfect night for Gina would be kicking up her heels to some ‘old school’ disco while chomping on a never-ending chocolate bar.




Jo Siebert

Jo comes to us after being headhunted by one of our fellow staff after putting in some highly productive years with one of our largest insurers. Jo provides broking and administrative support for Luke Ferguson and Matt Morrell.

She was able to immediately ingratiate herself with the team by providing some of her exquisite ‘’home made Rocky Road’’ by way of an introduction, meaning she has quickly exceeded our expectations, being not only a highly capable employee but also as an expert in the kitchen!

There seems to always be a downside though, and hers is an almost fervent love of the Geelong Cats
which has been negatively received by exactly 100% of our staff.

When away from the office Jo can be found listening to some classic Aussie Pub Rock (we are sure she knows Khe Sahn word for word) and bopping on the dance floor to anything from the eighties.


Lisa Borg

Lisa joined Austbrokers Terrace in 2007 following a successful career with another leading Adelaide-based insurance brokerage. She is both capable and reliable, and supports Niall Curkpatrick with client management as well as administration. Lisa loves spending time with family and friends however there is nothing better than taking her fur-kid for walks along the beach or walking trails and zoning out to music.



narellefletcherNarelle Fletcher

Narelle has been a long time servant of Austbrokers Terrace after working for many years in our industry. She provides support to Bruce Lindsay and will also manage clients’ needs directly, whether it be new or existing clients. Narelle’s passion is for the Crows and Woodville West Torrens, with whom she is a board member. Happy pulling off her unique dance moves to everything from Queen to the latest hits, she still believes The Sound of Music to be the greatest movie of all time and adheres to the motto, “It’s better to be late in this life than early to the next”.



Sandra Raptis

Sandra joined our team on the basis that we knew she could play a big part in assisting our business but we could not define a clear role and so she became the ‘’jill of all trades’’, performing admirably as the office stop gap. This has since changed and she now works closely with Greg Thomas sharing her 30 years of insurance experience.

Away from the office, she is a great mum and wife and decided when asked to provide some personal insight, that she was boring! I can inform the reader she is far from that, bringing her passion and thoughts to a wide range of subjects, literally everything! Of recent times, her interests have become closely invested in the COVID situation and the staff believe it is only a matter of time before she appears alongside our Premier and Chief Public Health Officer at press conferences. word for word) and bopping on the dance floor to anything from the eighties.


adam oreillyAdam O’Reilly

(O’Reilly Insurance Services Pty Ltd CAR #001008161 & IAR #001235959)

Adam O’Reilly joined our organization in the capacity as an Authorised Representative after a stellar career as a Senior Management lynchpin at Lumley Insurance. Respected by all for his level headed approach and friendly demeanor, we consider his decision to join our team as a major coup.

Yet there is more to Adam than his business acumen as he is a well-rounded individual with many interests and skills. The following best sums him up and is a direct quote from the man himself. “I am a gun-for-hire social basketball player specialising in the C & D grades, offering unusually strong 3-point shooting for a big man, a keen Coen Brothers Movie enthusiast, and a follower of my kids’ sport.” The writer can confirm he also irritatingly over indulges his Irish heritage at any opportunity.

Dynamic Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd

(CAR #000470915 & IAR #001235952, #1262354, #001235954, #1240581 #1253693 & #1249625)

Dynamic Insurance Brokers joined the Austbrokers Terrace family at the end of 2014 and have grown from a humble team of one to an evolving team of seven.

Led by Founder and Managing Director Andrew Bourke, the Dynamic team have made their mark on the Adelaide insurance landscape with consistent delivery of personable service and exemplary standards.

As a young and vibrant team, the team at Dynamic bring a broad variety of skills and experience to the table, which provides a great experience for their clients.

damianDamian Harrison

(Design Insurance Pty Ltd CAR #000466065 & IAR #001235957)

Damian came to our shores via the UK where he had enjoyed a stellar broking career and, in a relatively short time, has cut a considerable niche within our industry, specialising mainly in Professional Indemnity and associated risks within the architecture and engineering design sectors. A diligent operator, he has an innate ability to understand a client’s needs and exposures and then source exactly what they require and, finally, put the policy in place.

Never happier than when watching an old Clint Eastwood movie while devouring some culinary delight from Italy or Bangladesh, he claims the remarkable skill (remarkable?) to be able to hang from a tree for over 15 minutes, although he’s admitted he hasn’t performed this incredible (incredible in his mind) feat for over 20 years!

Find out more about Damian and Design Insurance Pty Ltd.

alexAlex Conlon

(Design Insurance Pty Ltd CAR #000466065 & IAR #001246516 / AMC Insurance Pty Ltd CAR #001249619 & IAR #001246516)

Alex Conlon comes to us, and particularly Damian’s team, as a winner of the South Australian Young Broker of the Year award, and while comfortable and knowledgeable with all insurance classes, specialises in Professional Indemnity. Alex also has an artistic side which not only manifests itself in drawing, but in an ability to tinker with a six string guitar. In fact, his penchant is for merely playing ‘lead’, making him a great foil for a few of the strictly ‘campfire chord players’ we have on staff.

Find out more about Alex and Design Insurance Pty Ltd , along with AMC Insurance Pty Ltd.

Paul Elphick

(Design Insurance Pty Ltd CAR #000466065 & IAR #001267107)

Paul also came to us from the UK….a cheeky cockney from “Sarf London”. Paul has over 30 years of experience in the Insurance Industry as a Broker and as an Underwriter. Working with Damian and Alex he specialises in Professional Indemnity Insurance and all the other insurance needs of architects and engineers.

Paul married an Aussie 11 years ago, now has 2 kids, and is enjoying the Australian lifestyle including living near the beach. Paul loves aviation and flying (particularly back and forth to London) and is a fanatical football fan (yes, it’s called football not soccer!) supporting Adelaide United in Australia and Sutton United in England. Paul also loves to be active in his church and helping out in the local community and is well known in the office for his love of chocolate!

Find out more about Paul and Design Insurance Pty Ltd

Austbrokers Jerry RasmussenJerry Rasmussen

Jerry joined Austbrokers Terrace as an Authorised Representative in 2010. Prior to this, he had a distinguished 30-year career managing international insurance brokers in Adelaide. He brings a sophisticated analytical approach to managing his clients’ insurance needs while maintaining a bulldog like tenacity in achieving the best results for them. A keen gardener when under the strict tutelage of wife Sally, Jerry enjoys supporting the much maligned Bombers and spending time with mates camping (5 star!) in the Victorian outback.


Jeremy Scannell

(G&J Insurance For You Pty Ltd CAR # 1277054 & IAR # 1277065)

Jeremy has joined the team as an Authorised Representative, operating his own business under the ABT license. We were late to this party but managed to whisk him away from other suitors at the death knell, and are ecstatic it is with us that he wants to put down his insurance broking roots. A professional campaigner with senior broking experience for well over a decade, Jeremy bases himself in Murray Bridge, blending some of those country town ideals with big city sensibilities. Away from the office Jeremy is all about family and friends and hits a mean golf ball. As a company we boast 10 golfing Club Championships, Jeremy has all ten!

Shamal Smith

(Chartis Norwich Financial Solutions Pty Ltd CAR # 1280323 & IAR # 1280324)

Shamal has led an interesting and varied life, working at different stages in some of the more exotic cities in the world, London, Dubai, and Johannesburg to name but a few, before finally landing in Adelaide with his family and calling it home. An experienced and qualified Insurance practitioner, Shamal provides a point of difference to many, demonstrating a forte’ for insurance programs that others may see as too challenging, having an unquenchable appetite to find his clients solutions like few others.

Away from the office Shamal ticks off many of the ‘’bloke’’ boxes – he loves his cricket and a beer or wine, and getting away to various locales to hike especially in areas with abundant wildlife.

lukeferguson2Luke Ferguson

(Complete Insurance Support Pty Ltd    CAR # 1309807  & IAR #  1235948 )

Luke joined Austbrokers Terrace in 2012 after working for a leading Insurer for several years. He provides a prompt and professional service to all his clients, believing that excellent customer service is still the key in our game. Luke believes that he makes the world’s greatest chicken parmy yet, surprisingly, rates a regulation shop bought pizza as his favourite food! Clearly, Jamie Oliver’s job is safe for now! A keen footballer and gym rat he still requires a coffee to get him moving in the morning and lives by the sobering motto, ‘If you’re not first , you’re last’. Included in Luke’s down time he enjoys being a family man and keeping up with his 3 lively children.

Austbrokers Sue ArthurSue Arthur – Receptionist

As our Receptionist, Sue has been the happy, helpful voice that has greeted our clients for well over a decade while also providing administrative support within our office. Sue is our Queen of Pop Culture and Trivia, is a Gemmology Lecturer, a chocoholic, a petrol head, an archer, an animal lover, a music lover and, worryingly for management, an ex-professional shooter. One does wonder when a professional shooter becomes an ex-shooter?



Claims Team: Lisa, Ali and Aeden

Lisa (on the right) joined ABT as a ‘fill in the gaps’ person and, after 12 months, management decided that gap is claims handling. When asked to provide insight into her life away from the office, Lisa was almost embarrassed to pigeon hole herself as the devoted wife and run around mum to her kids, tasks she should be proud of. A list of activities and hobbies mentioned gardening, cooking, sewing and volunteering, with the list culminating with wine drinking and costume changes, almost as an afterthought. We believe those last two entries almost certainly go hand in hand. Wonderwoman? Catwoman?

Alison (in the middle), or Ali to those that know her for more than five minutes, has been a great contributor to a host of claims departments over her career. She has worked on ‘’both sides of the fence’’ as we say in industry – as an insurer and as a broker, and we consider her a real coup for our claims team. Pragmatic, level-headed and unflustered are words that describe her to a tee, all attributes that lend themselves to the emotional environment of claims handling.

Ali is a lot of fun, though doesn’t think so herself, as she isn’t much of a hobbyist, preferring the company of her dogs, family and friends, and umm, wine.

Aedan O’Reilly (you guessed it – the young guy on the left!) has joined us, in a fashion unlike most of our current team – straight from school! An intelligent young man, he is already picking up skills and experience while working within our claims team and we expect him to be a big part of the next generation of ABT!

Away from the office he fits the mold of many others of his generation, he loves his sport, has a real enthusiasm and talent for basketball, and if he isn’t playing it, you will probably find him watching it. The son of Adam, a revered industry figure, he has adopted his father’s unhealthy sense of patriotism to their native Ireland, though neither were born or have resided there!


Austbrokers Tanya Jacka

Tanya Jacka – Administration Manager

Tanya has assumed the role of “Operations Manager”, a self-anointed snazzy title that was at no time approved by Senior Management. Yet, when one sees the myriad of roles she tirelessly performs, it would appear an excellent summation of how her talents are utilised, so there is a strong chance the title will stick. She is clean living, a sensible eater (if one were a rabbit), canine loving, community spirited (would give all Company profits to charities if granted permission)….and did I mention canine loving?



Piero Caiazza – Compliance Manager

While Piero has recently joined our team, he has already become that staff member that the team have anointed their favourite. Under normal circumstances this is easily attributed to a ‘’honeymoon period’’, but as he is our Compliance Manager, I believe he will remain so, as his title usually ensures he would be more likely to be the exact opposite!

Piero is an experienced campaigner in an area that any serious business needs to bolster, and he brings over a decade of experience with him from Elders /QBE Insurance where he ran Compliance, Quality Assurance, training, coaching, the list goes on.

Away from the office he is the classic family man, loving husband, and dad, close with his small army of siblings, loves a catch up over a coffee and is a constant walker on the Linear Park. The writer is also a constant walker on the same stretch of the park that Piero alludes to and has never seen him, so there may be a chink in his perfect façade after all!